
88 posts

Preserve Your Legacy at Brewed Awakenings

What is the story you want to pass on to your children and their children? Yesterday, on the fifty-fourth anniversary of the Kent State murders, I posted on Facebook and LinkedIn about the comparisons between campus protests then and now. Two weeks to the day after the four murders, on May 18, 1970, I became one of 132 students arrested at the Michigan State University student union during a peaceful discussion on racism. I was the first one arrested because I was standing closest to the door when the arrests began. I was the only one thrown into solitary confinement because I refused to sign my fingerprints. The event led directly to my dropping out of college and becoming part of the underground press, the independent, noncorporate, antiwar press. My […]

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Jumpstart Your Book-Writing Adventure at Everybody Reads

LANSING, MI, March 21, 2024—Are you ready to write that book in you? Ann Arbor- and Lansing-area author, editor, and book coach Ken Wachsberger is coming to Everybody Reads, for his fifth time, to help you jumpstart your book-writing adventure: Please mark your calendar and join him if you are anywhere near the Lansing area. Ken is the author of You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You, which was just released in its second edition in February. Everybody Reads hosted Ken’s first edition book launch in 2020. This visit is Ken’s Lansing launch for the second edition. You’ve Got the Time tells you everything you need to know to write, publish, and launch your book whether you choose to publish independently or through an […]

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Smashwords Celebrates Read-an-Ebook Week

Friends, I’m excited to be participating in Smashwords’ 15th annual Read-an-Ebook Week special promotion from March 3 through end of day March 9. Each of my four books that I sell through Smashwords will be available at the giveaway price of 50% off. On the first four of those days, from March 3 to March 6, I’ll spotlight one book each on Facebook and LinkedIn. For your convenience, I have included all four below, with their links. Please spread the word about Read-an-Ebook Week and buy heavily! You always have an upcoming gift-giving occasion. Thank you for your help and support! Read-an-Ebook Week Spotlighted Books You’ve Got the Time teaches you everything you need to know to write your book, publish it—independently or traditionally—and promote it. I cover topics you […]

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Hot off the Presses! Start Writing Your Book Today

Ann Arbor, Michigan (February 8, 2024) – Azenphony Press is pleased to announce the release of Ken Wachsberger’s You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You, second edition. According to Wachsberger, You’ve Got the Time is “the antidote for the oldest excuse for not writing a book in the book. If you’ve got the passion for your idea, you’ve got the time to write your book. You’ve Got the Time shows you where to find it and how to harness its power.” You’ve Got the Time teaches you how to In addition, you learn all you need to know about designing your cover; obtaining your ISBN, barcode, copyright, and index; coding your files for upload to ebook, POD, and audio; and more. Award-winning author/editor/book coach […]

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Come to My Book Launch Party at Schuler Books!

Friends, especially from the Ann Arbor area, I’m delighted to announce that the book launch for You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You, second edition, is on track for Thursday February 8. Schuler Books in Ann Arbor has graciously offered to host my book launch party. Please join me. Here’s how to get there: Schuler BooksWestgate Shopping Center2513 Jackson AvenueAnn Arbor, MI  48103  Starting time: 6:30. Admission is free but Schuler requests that you RSVP in advance. I’ll give an overview of the entire book writing and publishing process and allow you plenty of time to ask questions. And then we’ll celebrate with a chocolate cake prepared specially for the launch. Introducing me will be my friend, Mary O’Neill, author of A Letter from […]

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