Ken Wachsberger, The Book Coach, has been helping others write better since he worked on the Vietnam era underground press.


While teaching college freshman composition for three decades, Ken led students on writing and researching journeys that enabled them to

  • work through personal trauma
  • prepare for life transitions
  • make major purchases, and
  • choose their life paths
Book cover of Ken Wachsberger's Transforming Lives: A Socially Responsible Guide to the Magic of Writing and Researching

His successful landmark book, Transforming Lives: A Socially Responsible Guide to the Magic of Writing and Researching, was the first textbook written to teach Ken Macrorie’s I-Search paper.

Book Writing and Editing

Cover of Ken Wachsberger's "Never Be Afraid: A Belgian Jew in the French Resistance"As a writer and editor, his insightful question at the most pivotal time in the story enabled a Jewish Holocaust resistance fighter to unleash the traumatic moment that he had repressed for over forty years.

His Voices from the Underground Series was the most diverse mosaic of the Vietnam era antiwar movement ever written.

His books have been celebrated internationally.


As a member of National Speakers Association, Ken offers group and personal book coaching and book editing. Speakers and others learn how to write and publish the books they need for credibility and back-of-the-room sales.

The Power of Book Writing

Through these experiences and many others, Ken experienced the liberating power and joy of writing and researching.

And he discovered his own wondrous ability to guide others on their book-publishing journeys. He says:

“I’ve seen writers transform their lives with my personal book coaching and feel it a mission to help others to do the same.”

Start Writing Your Book Today

Is today the day? Let Ken Wachsberger, The Book Coach, help you write that book in you.

“thorough, knowledgeable, generous, prompt”

My recent experience with using Ken as an editor was excellent! Ken did a tremendous service in helping me ensure my writing and formatting were clear, concise, and consistent throughout my workbook, Mind Lisa Roach with her book, "Mind Mapping for Success"Mapping for Success. Not only was Ken thorough and knowledgeable, but he was also generous with his suggestions for improvement and prompt with his edits. I would encourage all aspiring authors to contact Ken for assistance in creating a product they can confidently promote with pride.

—Lisa Roach, author, Mind Mapping for Success: A Guide to Getting Ahead by Using Your Head in a Fun and Creative Way!, and member, National Speakers Association

“truly desires to help writers”

“Ken is such a willing coach. He truly desires to help writers better their creations, technically and in the story telling. His calm, accepting, humorous demeanor allows the writer to feel very  comfortable with Ken’s coaching. Ken brings years of experience to the table, I highly recommend him.”

—Kristina Ashley, Sedona, Arizona, author of A Life Changing Day with Eustace Conway

“wise counsel, an inspiration”

·         “I always respected and benefitted from your wise counsel and knew you as a dedicated and honorable working-class writer, who does whatever he must to get the work out. As I suck at the marketing end of things, I find you an inspiration and am thrilled to see your book.

— Timothy Jeffrey, author, playwright, screenwriter

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