Greetings, Friends,
Today is Launch Day for my latest book: You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You.
February 27, 2020

It’s been years in the making. It has been molded by the honest critiques of early readers. It is a clear path to publication and beyond.
I’d like you to have a copy. So I’m making a special Launch Day offer:
Kindle ebook $.99 (regular price $3.99)
Kindle softcover $15 (regular price $20)
Purchase today! Procrastinate later!
If you’re even thinking about writing a book, know that there has never been a better time to write it. The technology is simple to learn and relatively inexpensive. I talk about it all, as well as
- how to register for copyright
- how to obtain your ISBN and barcode
- what platforms to consider
- whether to publish independently or through an established publisher
- how to negotiate a contract if you ever find yourself looking at one
- how to attract testimonials and forewords from legends in your field
and much more
Special bonus: You’ll learn how I beat the city of Syracuse with a series of angry letters.
You’ve Got the Time has been described as “the perfect book” about how to write a book. And you’ll get a good read.
I promise.
If after reading it you are so inspired, please post an honest review on Amazon.
Thanks in advance. Please spread the word.
I look forward to reading your book and to hearing from you.