Locating Experts and Celebrities to Write Your Foreword and Testimonials

As soon as you’ve got a working table of contents and a few polished chapters for your book, start thinking about locating experts and celebrities whose kind words will give it instant credibility and marketability through the foreword and testimonial quotes.

It’s easier than you think.  No one is unreachable in today’s connected world.

Locating Experts and Celebrities through Internet Research

Start with the Internet. Good Internet research takes patience and persistence. You experiment with keyword combinations while searching for other possible keywords.

Begin by typing the name of the person you’re trying to locate into whatever search engine you use.

If it doesn’t bring up the right person, or if it brings up so many links your name doesn’t show up until page ten, refine your search. Include the person’s name in quotes followed by the institution where the person works, or the person’s occupation, or an event that you associate with the person.

Sometimes you have to dig deep. I’ve found key information on page ten and beyond of Google searches. Be sensitive to clues that will give you additional search terms. Does the person have a personal website?

If you still can’t find them, track down parents, children, friends, or colleagues and contact them. Remember the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Personally, I don’t think it’s more than five. What do you think?

Don’t Forget Social Media

Or go straight to social media. I long ago lost track of how many experts and relatively unknowns I have located simply by searching on my favorite social media platforms, which include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

With Facebook and Twitter, you can send a brief private message of introduction. Offer to send much more detailed information in exchange for an email address. With LinkedIn, send a brief invitation to connect so you can send more information. When they connect, you gain access to the email address.

Everyone Is Accessible

The bottom line is, everyone is accessible. Tracking down and locating experts and celebrities to brag about you in the foreword or a back-cover testimonial quote is a reachable goal. Keep the vision and go for it.

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This piece was adapted from Ken Wachsberger’s You’ve Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You. Ken’s other books may be found here and here. For book coaching and editing help, or to invite Ken to speak at your meeting, email Ken at [email protected].

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute coaching and editing session now.

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