Daily Archives: December 5, 2022

1 post

“Yippie Girl” Presents Female Side of Yippie

In a world that was still trying to figure out progressive definitions, Yippie Judy Gumbo, author of the recently released Yippie Girl: Exploits in Protest and Defeating the FBI, was introduced to me from a distance. “She’s a feminist,” I was told about the sister with the long flowing curls and fiery eyes. I Meet Judy Gumbo; She Has No Idea I was a second-generation Yippie; I had been too young for Chicago ’68 but I was fully on board with Miami Beach ’72. Both presidential nominating conventions were being held there that summer and the Yippies were planning to make their presence known. Through a short series of karmic connections, I had been brought into their broader inner circle. I knew Judy only as Stew Albert’s wife. Stew was […]

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